Processing sound reference
Processing sound reference

processing sound reference

The DSP performs the MP3 encoding and saves the file to memory. This analog signal is then converted to a digital signal by an analog-to-digital converter and passed to the DSP. During the recording phase, analog audio is input through a receiver or other source. To illustrate this concept, the diagram below shows how a DSP is used in an MP3 audio player. It does this in one of two ways, either digitally or in an analog format by going through a Digital-to-Analog converter. It then feeds the digitized information back for use in the real world. From here, the DSP takes over by capturing the digitized information and processing it.

processing sound reference

Converters such as an Analog-to-Digital converter then take the real-world signal and turn it into the digital format of 1's and 0's. In the real-world, analog products detect signals such as sound, light, temperature or pressure and manipulate them.

processing sound reference

Signals need to be processed so that the information that they contain can be displayed, analyzed, or converted to another type of signal that may be of use. A DSP is designed for performing mathematical functions like "add", "subtract", "multiply" and "divide" very quickly. Digital Signal Processors (DSP) take real-world signals like voice, audio, video, temperature, pressure, or position that have been digitized and then mathematically manipulate them.

Processing sound reference